Thursday, January 3, 2008

A Christmas Pondering from Pastor David

A Christmas Pondering from Pastor David

Over the next few days we will be gathering with Family, Friends, Loved Ones, Neighbors and Strangers for the Christmas Holiday, Wishing everyone we meet a “Merry Christmas”.

But what is a “Merry Christmas”?

Is it just that time of year that we boost the Nation’s economy? Or perhaps giving expensive gifts to family and friends, trying to make up for the time we haven’t spent with them?

Is it just that time of year that we remember our childhoods? Or perhaps trying to fix our childhood wrongs?

Is it just that time of year that we are kind to strangers? Or perhaps justifying the times we did not the notice the stranger?

Is it just that time of year that we send food to the hungry? Or perhaps feeling guilty for all the times we never thought about their hunger?

Is it just that time of year that we remember a poor child in a make shift bed on a cold night? Or perhaps another time we forget about the homeless and fatherless children of the world?

Merry Christmas is really about, Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.
It is that time of year that we realize that we too are Homeless and Fatherless, Hungry, a Stranger, a Sinner, and Forgotten. For without that Great Expensive Gift, “a poor child in a make shift bed on a cold night” there is no Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.

Jesus is Christmas.

Merry Christmas!!
Pastor David A Arruda

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